About the Religious of Mary Immaculate


The Religious of Mary Immaculate live the charism and mission of Saint Vicenta Maria in the Church. We were founded as a religious institute on the 11th of June 1876 with its first house in Madrid Spain in response to the need of helping the young women in their Christian/ human formation and sanctification. Check the congregation’s website to know more about us. www.religiosasmariainmaculada.org

We bring the Gospel of joy to four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe present in 21 countries with 123 communities or houses. We welcome young people of the whole world bringing the Good News through our lives - offering guidance and service.

Faithful to this charism, we live in a community based on charity, searching and carrying out God’s will in our lives, obedience, life of prayer, nourished by the daily Eucharist and love to our Lady, the Virgin Mary.

Are you interested about religious life and want to know more about our ministry in the Church? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.