Formation of Our Laity and Molavim

Over two days, some Latin American and Spanish young ladies, living in London, explored who they are and how they are living their lives as human beings and as lay people. This was the best opportunity to renew our Catholic faith and to remember our identity, our values, our goals, our inner light which was given by God and our mother holy the Virgin Mary.

This beautiful course was the channel through which God reminded us how perfect and powerful his love is. There are no coincidences, everything has a perfect plan in it. We need to trust in our Lord and enjoy our lives and help others. It is the real evangelism. 

Below are some of our feelings after our course;

The course was a great experience,it’s allowed me to recognize who I am.The Holy Spirit and Vicenta Maria enlightened us throughout the workshop.

To help other people, especially youth in London, would be our beacon of strength. 

One of the biggest things I learned was it is impossible to live the faith alone. Why it is very important to remember that if we are sure who we are as a human being we can be better Christians. 

We learned some values given by Saint Vicenta Maria such as welcome, educate, entertain and form Christianity. 

Following my good experience, I found this course about Christian Identity very helpful to remind me who I am and what my mission in this life is. I discovered again the way to build a personal relationship with Jesus and to get the individual reflection on how God is present in my daily life. Moreover during this course I felt that I will be able to make the dialogue with Jesus stronger and how I relate to Him with the context of my daily life.

Throughout this course we did a variety of exercises and reflections which had effectively helped me to grow in the knowledge of God

During the lay course I felt that we thoroughly studied our values and raised questions about why are we here, and what are we doing to make sure the mission is alive? In the discernment of who I am and how I show myself up with others.

I am very grateful for the learnings given to me during this excellent workshop. I found it really insightful and interesting. These two days were inspiring and informative and the organising team was very helpful, kind, loving and extremely generous in sharing their spiritual knowledge. The content was great!

I feel I learnt a lot about myself, my personality, identity, my faith. It made me question a lot of issues I don’t usually think about. I really enjoyed this workshop! (Luisa Pulido)